Adopting is expensive! I plan to write a future blog that will help break down the costs and explain where all the money goes, but suffice it to say adoption is not cheap...and we are not rich! Domestic infant adoptions typically cost anywhere from $20,000-$30,000 and while we are working diligently to save that money, we realize we will never be able to save that much in the amount of time we are expecting it to take to bring our baby home. So, we are humbly trusting God to help us raise that money through different endeavors. As we continue to ask you to partner with us, we want to be open and honest about where we stand with our finances. We want you to know exactly what you are helping us pay for as we go. I also hope that this might someday serve as a help to other families saving to bring their own babies home. So, here is the breakdown of where we are so far:
Application fee: $195.00
Homestudy application: $1000.00
Fingerprinting: FREE! We were blessed by our local police station when they did our fingerprints for free after finding out we were adopting! Praise Jesus for the little things.
Fingerprint processing: $100.00
Child Abuse and Neglect Report: $20.00
TOTAL (so far): $1315.00
Fundraising totals (so far): $0
Would you join us in praying?
1. for the finances of this adoption
2. for our marriage us we move through what it looks like to save this huge amount of money
3. for unexpected blessings
4. for the fundraising opportunities that are already in the works (be on the look out for a FUN Christmas fundraiser we have planned to roll out over the next couple months!)
Would you join us in praying?
1. for the finances of this adoption
2. for our marriage us we move through what it looks like to save this huge amount of money
3. for unexpected blessings
4. for the fundraising opportunities that are already in the works (be on the look out for a FUN Christmas fundraiser we have planned to roll out over the next couple months!)