
Friday, October 10, 2014

God is GOOD!!!

You guys, I am completely blown away!  Last time I shared an update on our adoption costs we were $1315.00 in the red.  As of today, we are only $86 in the red!!!!  We only need $86 to pay for our homestudy!  Did I mention that GOD IS GOOD?!  I am tearing up just typing this.  There is no way we can thank you all enough for your support.  I have had so many friends jump at the opportunity to host a Thirty One party...thank you!  I asked my mom to help me test out our PayPal account by putting $1 in there and she put in $25...thank you!  One of my best girlfriends from high school and her husband generously donated $250...thank you!  THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!  

Financial Update:

Application fee:  $195.00
Homestudy application: $1000.00
Fingerprinting: FREE!  We were blessed by our local police station when they did our fingerprints for free after finding out we were adopting!  Praise Jesus for the little things.
Fingerprint processing: $100.00
Child Abuse and Neglect Report: $20.00
TOTAL (so far): -$1315.00

Thirty One Commision: $954.00
Personal donations: $250.00
Fundraising TOTALS (so far): $1,229.00

Ending balance: -$86.00

If you are interested in hosting a Thirty One party, please let me know!  These are great bags and other organizing essentials at great prices, run through a Christian led company, and I get 25% commission on everything sold!  If you are interested in giving a direct donation, there is a PayPal link on the far right of this blog page.  Also, please keep reading this blog for information on an upcoming Christmas fundraiser that Kirby, Jaxon, and I are working on!  And again, from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!  Would you please continue to pray for our family and our fundraising endeavors?  


Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Little Guy's thoughts on adoption

Have you ever tried explaining ADOPTION to a 4 year old?  Let me tell you, it ain't easy!  I remember a ways back, before we had even ventured into the actual adoption process, asking a group of church friends who had adopted what their advice was in talking with their older children.  When do you start talking about it?  How do you explain how you will be getting a baby without it coming from Mommy's tummy?  How do you even begin to convey the immense love it takes for birth parents to choose you as the family to raise their baby?  So many questions...and to be honest, not a lot of good answers!  Here is a tiny glimpse into our experience...

Once we had begun the journey, we started talking to Jaxon about adoption.  A little bit here and there.  Bringing it gently into conversations.  "I wonder if God will bring us our next baby differently."  "Mom might not grow our next baby in her tummy."  "Our next baby might grow in another mommy's tummy but God might choose us to take care of the baby."  "Sometimes mommy's can't take care of their babies so they choose another family to take care of the baby and have the baby in their family.  That would be neat if we got to do that."  I thought we were doing a pretty good job and was silently patting my own back as Jax began to slowly start bringing those same thoughts into our conversations.  He really gets it, I thought, and he seems pretty excited about it!  And then one night he BURST INTO TEARS and shouted, "I DO NOT want to adopt our baby!"  I couldn't believe it and quickly asked him why not?  "I DO NOT want our Baby Hudson to go live with another family!  I love him TOO MUCH to let him go live with another family!"  My heart broke and I quickly realized that he didn't get it.  He thought when we said we were adopting our baby that meant we were going to give Hudson to a family that was waiting for a baby!  We talked, we assured him we were keeping our Baby Hudson, and we prayed and thanked God for giving us such big love for our family!  Now whenever we say we are adopting our next baby we get a quick and fervent shout from Jaxon, "We ARE NOT adopting our baby!  Someone else is going to have a baby and adopt it to our family!"  

Needless to say, explaining adoption to older children isn't easy!  I recently ordered some books off of Amazon and am hoping to use those to help a bit more.  Reading and talking about the story of baby Moses in the Bible was GREAT!  Any other tips on explaining such a tender subject to such a young mind?  I would love to hear them!  In the meantime, will you join us in praying for our sweet boys and their sweet baby brother or sister?  I pray that the fierce love they have for each other only grows and swells as they embrace a new baby!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

31 Days to a Clutter Free Life!

If you know my husband and I, you would know we live life a little bit "fly by the seat of our pants!"  We usually have good intentions to have our lives organized and put together, but when push comes to shove things just start to spin out of control!  This school year has been no different.  I started back to work full-time, Kirby started a new full-time job (which is VERY different from what he was doing before!), both of the boys started with a new nanny full-time, Jax started preschool 3 days a week, and oh yeah...we moved into a new house! CRAAAAAAAAAAZY!!!!  

This week alone, I have forgotten my boys' breakfast in the refrigerator (2 days in a row!), forgotten picture day, and felt like every day is a perpetual Monday where I just can't get my act together.  So, I have decided to try out this 31 Days to a Clutter Free Life challenge from  Anyone want to join me?  Yesterday was the first day where you just kind of get yourself prepared to become clutter free.  I'm ready for the challenge!