This week has been a struggle. You see, I had it all planned out. Baby Girl would make her arrival on Tuesday, March 10th. Friday, March 13th at the latest. Surely she would be born before Spring Break. That was the week we had as built in time off work (not to mentioned PAID time off). Well, obviously that didn't work out as planned. Moving on to Plan B. Miss L would go to her doctor's appointment on Friday, March 20th and schedule an induction for Monday, March 23rd. That plan may be playing out, but at the moment no one can get ahold of Miss L. It seems like maybe her phone has been shut off, leaving her without access to make phone calls or send emails. AAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!
And, to throw a wrench in all of my plans, I have faced a bit of scary medical news this week. On Monday of this week (the 16th), I went in for an ultrasound on my thyroid. I have been experiencing some weird pain in my throat for several weeks and the doctor thought it might be my thyroid. After my bloodwork came back normal, I figured the ultrasound was just a cautionary measure that would also come back normal. Instead, the doctor saw several large and questionable cysts on my thyroid. I am scheduled to go in for a biopsy this coming Monday (the 23rd) to see if the cysts are cancerous or benign.
So, as perfect as my baby plans had been in my head, they wouldn't have allowed for any of this thyroid mumbo jumbo to even be discovered. It may be nothing or it may be something scary.
Needless to say, my emotions have been all over the place this week. I have been anxiously awaiting news on Baby Girl, trying to make lasting memories with my boys before their sister arrives, and wondering if I might possibly have something a little bit scarier than spiky bouncy balls in my throat. I have really had to rest in the truth that God's plan is WAY better for us than my plan. His plans are GREAT plans. Plans to prosper us and give us a HOPE and a FUTURE.
Thanks for continuing to pray for our journey! We will keep you updated as we have news.
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