
Monday, March 23, 2015

A Quick Update...

You guys are amazing!  The love we felt from all of you after the last post was overwhelming!

Early this morning, I was all prepped and ready for my biopsy when the doctor came in and said he saw nothing he could really see being worth biopsying!  He said the cysts and the nodule that he saw in my thyroid are all benign and there was no need to do the biopsy...YAY!  I will follow up with another doctor to address the enlarged thyroid, but nothing SCARY for now!  Praise the Lord!

In the meantime, no one has been able to get in touch with Miss L today.  We continue to pray that she is safe, healthy, and taking care of herself and the baby.  While we feel confident that our social workers are doing everything they can to make contact and take care of her, our emotions are starting to take over (well, at least mine are!).  In the words of one of the social workers this morning...I think we are all highly concerned but "haven't hit the panic button yet."

Thanks for praying with us...

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