
Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Why the blog?

I have started to realizing that blogging your personal and close-to-the-heart journey is kinda hard.  Like, a lot harder than I thought it would be.  There is constant tension inside of me...should I share this?  Is this too much?  Will people care?  Do I care if people care?  I have wrestled lately with why I write this blog.  Originally, I wanted it to be a place for our families and friends to stay up-to-date on our journey.  That slowly transitioned into a desire to be a place for other adoptive families to find help and encouragement on their own journeys.  Then of course, there is always the, I-don't-want-to-forget-the-details-of-this-journey reason for writing.  More than anything, I have realized I just want people to know our story.  Adoption seems scary.  I recently read a statistic that said something like (I'm sorry, I don't remember the exact numbers or source) over 50% of Americans consider adopting while only 2% of Americans actually do.  It's scary, people!  Where do you start?  How do you beat the paperwork game?  How in the world do you come up with an extra $35,000?!  How do you interact with birthparents?  How do you explain adoption to your child?  My hope for this blog is that people read our journey--a regular family from Kansas, trusting God for the big things, and doing it--and find it just a little bit less scary.  Thanks for reading and praying for our journey!

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